I narrow down my choices from the wide array of entertainment possibilities listed in section Espectáculos, La Nación. Here are my choices: I could watch an Almodovar film, go milonga dancing, or attend Sandra Luna’s live performance. She is one of my favorite singers (You met her in my post of October 10, 2008).
Sandra’s show offers a double delight. She is dedicating the evening to the poetry of our beloved poet-composer-singer Eladia Blázquez (check my posting about Eladia on February 9, 2013).
I love Eladia’s songs. They console me when I am about to depart from Buenos Aires. Nevertheless, when I am actually departing, I am beyond consolation. As soon as the plane takes off, Carlos Gardel caresses my soul with his nostalgic tango Volver.
… “one always returns to the first love”
“We always return to Buenos Aires looking for a certain melancholic way to love.” This is what Eladia thinks. What do you think about our porteños’ longings to return? Going back to tonight’s show …
It rains on my way to the show. It pours when I arrive. Once inside Teatro Border I am all soaked. And late. Quickly I find my seat and scan the stage. I am used to seeing Sandra accompanied by her husband Raul Luzzi in guitar. Not tonight. I see a piano and two stands for people to perform standing up. I wonder: are Sandra and Luzzi no longer together?
To the sounds of Pablo Valle on piano, Sandra sings and Hector Giovine recites. They interpret Eladias’s songs: “Honrar la vida”, “Cualquiera de estas noches”, “A pesar de todo”, “Con las alas del alma”, “Yo me fuí para La Habana”, “Sueño de barrilete”, “Contra viento y marea”, “Prohibido prohibir” y muchos más.
I reach the sidewalk. Godoy Cruz is dark. It is still raining.
… “one always returns to the first love”