Beatriz is interviewed in Spanish Radio Tango City Tour, Miami
Topic: La relevancia del tango para el Argentino en el extranjero. Audio here: http://www.tangocitytour.com/programas/tango-381.mp3

A 58 minutes lively discussion of Beatriz’s book by Daniel Saindon and Veronique Verhoen, Radio Montreal
Listen to the audio here: https://www.mixcloud.com/saindon/emission-sur-le-livre-de-beatriz-dujovne-in-stangers-arms-21-fév-2014/

Beatriz interviews Hector Negro, tango poet.
Extractos de la entrevista a Hector Negro: Click aquí [PDF]

Beatriz publishes a chronicle in www.todotango.com
Spanish. http://www.todotango.com/historias/cronica/399/Un-baile-en-brazos-de-extranos English. http://www.todotango.com/english/history/chronicle/399/A-dance-in-strangers-arms/

Beatriz’s book cover photo is featured in todotango home page
The official site of tango, www.todotango.com, chooses the cover of In Strangers’ Arms: The Magic of the Tango book for their November edition home page.