May 2, 2014. Course “Tango: Border Crossings in Art, Race, Gender, and Politics”

May 2, 2014

May 2, 1014.
Event: Questions- Answers format via Skype with students who had read “In Strangers’ Arms” as required reading for the course “Tango: Border Crossings in Art, Race, Gender, and Politics.” Cross-disciplinary class that explores the dance as art form, gender relationships constructed by the dance, the role of race in the history of the dance, and the interaction of dance and politics.
Beatriz Dujovne’s book is one of the textbooks for the class.
Where: University of Denver, Co.
Professor: Ann Dobyns PhD

Students who had read “In Strangers’ Arms” -as textbook for their course- ask Beatriz questions related to their cross-disciplinary class that explores the dance as art form, gender relationships constructed by the dance, the role of race in the history of the dance, and the interaction of dance and politics.

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