“The challenge of writing a book which describes a cacophony of emotions, nostalgic in nature and developed over generations, is extraordinary. Most would agree that in our daily lives we try to simplify emotions into a few categories of joy, sorrow and pain and yet we know these words barely touch the surface of everything we feel.
‘In Strangers’ Arms’ is a book of discovery: A historical account of the evolution of the music, the dance and the poetry of tango – Argentine Tango. Beatriz takes us on a journey, a path of discovery, establishing the environmental circumstances, international contributions, and the need for basic comforts which the human touch, the embrace, provides.
The author presents a fluent story of the music, the musicians, the instruments and the change in sounds as a result of influences from Africa and Europe: From foot tapping rhythms of candombe to the pure melody drawn out by a single note into eternity. She discusses the evolution of the dance genre into multiple tentacles, known by the specific areas of Buenos Aires in which they evolved, each individual in style while all are expressions of tango.
With descriptive words like ‘hunger’ and ‘rebellion’ the reader is compelled to explore their own emotions when reading ‘In Strangers’ Arms’. What is revealed is a world of primal desire and emotion, a variety of sensations that almost defy words. Human behavior that is basic, uninhibited, intimate and deep: A sensual experience from subtle to erotic.
Beyond the great history and evolution of the music and the dance, I particularly enjoyed the reinforcement of my own sentiments about tango: The descriptions of improvisation as an uncensored dance that does not conceal itself behind choreography. The tango euphoria every dancer aspires to experience, a state of total consciousness (or possibly unconsciousness) through being fully immersed in a partnership, the music, and the movement. A connection that is complete and infinite, realized in dulcet union.
‘In Strangers’ Arms’ offers factual information wrapped in a personal story of discovery. It is entertaining to read and provides a plethora of information to be mulled over, discussed and digested. Thank you Beatriz.”